I used to be team book all the way and absolutely no questions were asked. Except if you ask me now whether I prefer a book or Kindle, I might just choose a Kindle. Here's why:

Do you ever have a sudden urge to read a book and need to have it instantly? When I hear of a book people are loving I need to get my hands on it. Considering I have absolutely zero patience, this is where a Kindle lends itself most useful to me. For me, reading moods come and go. Somedays I finish my book in one day. Other times, it can take me a few days to read a book while picking it up whenever I have a chance or a desire. But really, nothing beats that initial feeling of excitement for a book. My Kindle quenches this thirst because I can have it immediately, it is as simple as that.
Another reason I started to vouch for Kindle is because it is light and easy to hold. When I read, I subconsciously contort myself into a wide range of positions. This occurs on beds, couches, sofas, chairs, towels, and anywhere else I can manage to get comfy. Sometimes, a book just gets in the way of this. It is heavier and the pages tend to get caught in my path to get cozy.
It may sound like I am a fully converted Kindle user, but I am not totally there yet. I still love a good old-fashioned book. I can't help but sniff the pages of a book that has went through a voyage to end up in my sweaty palms (there is just that book smell).

However, I can't help but wonder if my love for the traditional book, you know the one with a cover and pages, has stemmed from my obsession to be aesthetically pleasing. I mean seriously, a book and a coffee is just soooo cute. I can't help but want to be Instagram ready at all times. Even in the privacy of my own home with literally no one around to even admire my mysterious book vibes (self-timer duh).
At the end of the day, the best way to read a book is the way YOU deem best for yourself. Screw the boomers that think Kindles are ruining books. And if you are a boomer, screw the gen z's and millennials that would rather read a book on a screen. Do what is best for you and your book.